From: Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp
Ottawa, ON
Has this happened to you...
You tell yourself, this is IT. I'm prioritizing my health, getting in shape, and kicking
all of those bad habits to the curb.
So you throw away all the junk, hit the treadmill twice in one week, give up your wine on the weekend, and tell your friends and family you're sticking with it this time, FOR REAL.
"I'm UNSTOPPABLE", you tell yourself.
Then the following Monday morning hits you like a hurricane, "ugh the kids won't get dressed AGAIN, can you help them, I'm trying to make the lunches" you shout to your husband.
Next thing you know, you find yourself in the drive thru line up and quickly scarfing down a “healthy muffin” and sugary ice coffee in between dropping the kids off at school and your 9 AM meeting.
During your workday, you you hardly get up from your desk all day, forget to drink water, and somehow you've skipped your 5pm workout to drink wine at happy hour with your work 'bestie'. Oh and it's your turn this week to pay.
You scramble to get home and make dinner for everyone. You're so tired from the day and unwind with perhaps another glass and an episode (ok realistically three episodes) of Selling Sunset.
You think to yourself: